Location Recce

Location: Mr Davie's Mac room Lighting: Both Natural and External lights Power Supplies and Location: Plug Sockets in the walls behind the Macs projector Sound issues: The room is large and empty so there may be an echo. If we are filming during school hours there may be students in or out side the classroom making noise's in the background. If it is raining the sound of rain on the windows will also leave background noise Mise En Scene: The room we re using has a lot of mac's and technology where we can show music videos that link with our interviews Items to remove: Chairs, box's, tables and old computers Health and Safety issues: Tripping over cables chairs and tables Availibility of location: The room is on the school site and not in use during thusdays period 5 so the room is available Do I need Permission to shoot here: Yes we do, and we need to find a time when Mr Davie's is not teaching

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