
Job Roles

My main role was graphic designer however I also was the location scout, researcher and played a part as the  camera person and helped writer some of the script. I think I did well with the graphic design and I am happy with how the logo and astons looked. I did not take part in editing or sound editing, In future I would like to try editing.

Research Skills

I conducted primary research for the project by making a focus group, showing the people a music video and asking the people different questions about what they thought of it. This was helpful because it gave us an idea of how people view our topic. I also used secondary research by doing internet research and fining the music video we used in the focus group and in our project. This research was helpful because we used the music video as an example of subliminal messages in our project. Both the primary & secondary research was qualitative.

Production Skills

When were were making the M show I learned how to make graphics and special effects and how to import them into the show using final. I made the graphics with power point. I also learned more about how to use a HD camera and a tripod. I learned how to set up a camera with a dolly, and how to create an interview and Voxpop script. We used I- Script to make the intro

Meeting The Brief

The M Show appeals to the target audience which is teenagers because the language the presenter used wasn't too formal and wasn't boring for the audience . The graphics we used (Logo & Aston) were colourful and the music was similar to what young people listen to now. the cutaways showed the music video which was the topic of the video. The music video was of three artists which are very relevant and in the public eye at the moment

Conventions of a Report Show

To give our show a magazine theme we used a sign on to introduce the topic and then cut aways to show the music video - Run this town by Jay Z Kanye West & Rihanna . The graphics were colourful making it less boring for the viewers. The interviews were edited to make them shorter to make them more interesting. The music we used in the sign on was very upbeat and lively and similar to current music in the music charts. We made sure we gave the interviewee's talking space and headspace.

Technical Finishing

The sound quality and editing in the final version of our project was done very well, we received good feedback about it. However in some parts of the voice over some of the words are stuttered and the camera is a little shaky towards the end in some clips. We used a range of shot types including: establishing shots, close ups and mid shots, this gave the video more of a variation an made every clip look different. The mise on scene in most of the clips was good for example the sign on when Mohamed is speaking about where subliminal messaging is in th world and there are world flags.

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